seriously, doesn't this send a more positive message about cleveland? this is free promotion that costs you and the cleveland visitors bureau absolutely nothing.

this is the thing i remember from when i was a kid riding downtown on the rapid with my dad to the cleveland public library or indians games. it's what i now enjoy about my morning ride into downtown. and now it's covered up with that ugly gray paint that looks nasty and doesn't even go with the wall itself.
thanks a lot.
some kid from cleveland who evidently doesn't have her priorities in the right place.
Walking down my street, I see 'I decided I love you' painted under a bridge. It makes me smile and lifts my mood. Until it is inevitably painted over.
I'll enjoy it while I can.
i saw that too! i need to get a shot of it before it's gone. that lovely cursive lettering!
Hey, it only takes five or twenty-three times to get the dollar bill into the box.
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