Monday, June 6, 2011

stairway to Cleveland

So I spent last night being a dirty hippie in my front yard, hanging out at my favorite record store, and eating popsicles in a Lakewood living room instead of taking in the dulcet sounds of either Great White or Jefferson Starship with an orchestra of teenagers, which I'm assuming is the only reason why it would sell any tickets at all, unless there's some subset of people that I don't know who really like "We Built This City."

Also, I had no idea this song existed. I find the whole anti-establishment stance amusing given that it exemplifies boomerism at its finest, starting out with some good tuneage and fading into complacency and cocaine selling out while espousing Woodstock Platitudes with ever-worsening coiffurage.

Also I had no idea this song existed. One has to ask, does the stairway go up or down?


  1. maybe a flaming, or just with a slight burning smell, escalator?

  2. If there's a bustle in your rust belt, don't be alarmed now.
