Saturday, May 21, 2011


I played with different colors tonight, trying to replicate the scheme on my last project, only with more green, and then doing a smaller cup with bright blue and speckled orange, dripping layers of red over the top and listening to Michael Stanley play double-shots of Led Zeppelin and U2, realizing that I don't know any Scorpions songs besides 'Rock You Like a Hurricane.' The unknown factor of heat and chemicals means I really don't know what's totally going to happen, but the process is so soothing after being at a desk all day.

I gave up on trying to mow the lawn with the push mower and used the weedwhacker to tame the savannah height grass in the backyard and met up with my partner in art and spiritual existentialism for takeout and drinking tea on the back porch and watching the sun set. We haven't had girl time in awhile and it was much-needed even though it still gets dark too early to take any long walks. There are certain summer sounds when the night falls and the hum of traffic gives way to the faint pulse of music and snatches of conversation.

And I totally had this on repeat in the car today. The video is funny to me because it's got Scott-Weiland-level snakedancing in velvet pants and Chris Robinson is wearing earrings almost as ridiculously dangly as mine. But that chorus with the backup vocals, the mellotron, my Parmastani roots of Led Zeppelin and Creedence, I've got no shame in this.


  1. no shame in crows music, if you had the bad fortune to hear 'no one like you' it would be all too familiar

  2. I think your Parmastan ID card should be revoked. I suppose you aren't familiar with the soothing tones of Foreigner, either.

    All hail the Crowes, and to this day, still probably their best song.

    Word verification: pubedert, because I'm 15 like Bischoppe Boner.

  3. Such a great song, but I must disagree with Randal - "Hotel Illness" is my favorite on that album by far.

    Just the memories of that song blaring while I drove down PCH to my favorite surf spots many years ago...

    "All hail the Crowes" is spot on, though.
