Thursday, May 19, 2011

best of the blotter: Sandwiches, Stoners, and Salvation

CRIMINAL MISCHIEF, SUNSET AVENUE: A police officer who coordinates a bowling team complained that a former team member returned his team shirt marked with words advocating marijuana use.

The team was sponsored by a company that supplies items to police departments. But under the company logo on the shirt, the former member added in screened printing the words, “Fight Terrorism . . . Buy Homegrown” and on the shirt’s right chest added the letters “NORML.” There is an organization called the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

The team coordinator, of Independence, noticed the changes after he demanded the shirt be returned.

The former team member declined to give police a written statement except to say it was his shirt and he could anything he wanted to on it.

An employee at Borders Books and Music got a call May 15 from a man who made an unusual threat: salvation.

A report said the caller first asked if the store carried a certain book. When the employee said it did not, the caller got upset and called the employee an athiest, and that "he was going to come and save their souls."

The store received several more phone calls right after that. The employee said the man offered a long name, which he could not remember, but that the caller had told him to call him "Man."

Police told employees to call back if the man showed up or called any more.

On May 6, someone called in to report that four men were "creating a disturbance" on the 1700 block of Coventry Road. When police stopped by to investigate, two said they were just having a "dispute over a sandwich." There was no fight or arrest, and the parties were advised. Police had no further information about what, and what type of sandwich, sparked the disagreement.


  1. It's always pastrami on rye. Why can't they be as mellow as ham and cheese, I'll never know.

  2. loaves and fishes?
