Thursday, March 24, 2011

the minutes drag and the hours jerk

Working late, working on a paper for class (hooray Google docs!), realizing that I haven't written a paper like this since I don't know when, not feeling terribly social, drinking cup after cup of lukewarm tea from the mug of madness. It's been decent and I got a lot of work done, am reading fluff for a change (Bangkok 8), and saw a kid who looks just like Bruce Lee, trying to avoid eye contact with the Unabomber.

I'm learning to perfect the blank stare, the way of looking without looking, trying to force my face into something that isn't a smile. It's easier when I'm tired and hungry and want to go home and don't want to talk when there's so much thinking and nothing worth saying.


  1. i liked bankok 8 and am now enjoying china mieville's kraken which should appeal to the cthulu lovers out there in the city night hiding machetes in their av-guy trench coats.


  3. There's a chalk festival at the art museum in these parts that's loads of fun, but these are on a whole other level, especially that last one. Awesome.

    I keep hearing about this China Mieville via the Golden Horde. That means that I should probably check it out.

  4. if you like sf/fantasy type books than i would recommend it but otherwise i would skip it

  5. Once you've mastered the blank stare, Kwai Chang, you can begin to save the downtrodden from huge library fines.

    One small request: Mug of Madness should be capitalized, it's a venerated object, is it not?

  6. I used to read loads of fantasy as a kid but I've had a harder time finding stuff I like in grownup world. I do love me some Tolkien, Gaiman, Calvino and the like.
