Friday, September 24, 2010

I think it's turning back around...

I'm looking forward to this weekend, with the weather being perfect for driving through the city all night, getting to go under the bridge again for Ingenuity Fest, which is free this year, getting to hear some good live music, and spending time with those I love.

I'm learning more and more that love is not this warm and fuzzy abstract feeling that comes and goes with the emotions but something that is in a constant state of action and reorienting thoughts, of choosing not to continue cycles of vindictiveness, of choosing to forgive, choosing to be honest even if it hurts, choosing to seek peace and let the past be the past. So often we let life be all about our thoughts and our grievances and don't step back to look at the whole picture.

And if we didn't have sucky things in life, we probably wouldn't learn anything, toughen up, soften up or grow in the right ways. I look at so many of the things have happened in the past two years and I'm thankful I went through them because it's helped me so much with the present.

down on the upside, indeed.


  1. glad to hear that there is an eventual upside, these things tend to wax and wane. your evolving understanding of the effort/choice of being in love vs falling in love is heartening. thanks for sharing the insights and the tunes.
    rise above

  2. Bah. If you loved us, you wouldn't post this grungy grime, but treat us to more song stylings from Right Said Fred.

  3. @DMF,
    I have some serious love for Fugazi. I still wish I had been born earlier so I could have seen them in their glory.

  4. they were something in person b4 (along with bad brains dc had its moments) they got weighed down with their own self-importance they lack yer sense of humor. hard to express how that set of recordings hit for some of us, not unlike the 1st beasties or later nirvana, just captured the zeitgeist. i think that you may be in a better place in history than we were as you don't seem as haunted by the sense of everything and nothing being possible and are so are freer to d.i.y. without being caught up in a jesus christ pose...
