Friday, August 14, 2009

day by day...

So it's been a good week...

Hanging out at Edgewater Park drinking Lazizas, playing music, chilling with the girls last night. My sister's bachelorette party is tonight, nothing crazy, just chilling at the park by the lake, good food, chocolate.

Tomorrow I start back with the Saturdays with the kids, and hope it's a little less chaotic than it's been. It's been almost a year since I met them, and they have really changed my life.

When I first met them, I just assumed it'd be 2 hours of my life every Saturday, like most of the other mentoring/volunteering I'd done in the past. I'm thankful that it's become much more than that, added an element of random and chaos that I thrive on.

There's other adventures this weekend... Edgewater with the Ethiopians, and then possibly the county fair, which I haven't been to since I worked the Ohio Right to Life booth in high school and got to watch everyone else have fun. Then, maybe driving down to Kent for a wedding celebration... we shall see...

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