Monday, July 13, 2009

i'm in love with modern moonlight

Checked out the Tremont Art Walk on Friday night. None of us were really feeling the whole art thing, so we got ice cream and walked around. It was so beautiful out, one of those weekends where I didn't get much sleep because I just wanted to stay out all night and soak it in.

My sister's wedding shower was this weekend so I got to hang out with all the aunts and the girl cousins and eat ridiculously good food. Went to hear my roommate and some friends play at the Barking Spider. I missed the first half of the set but they rocked it. Never heard "Folsom Prison Blues" played with so much funk.

Went on a long-overdue late night Cleveland drive with the golden combination of a beautiful summer night, good tunes (the Fugees, the Roots, Pete Rock instrumentals), and wonderful company. Stayed out way too late, but the way that the streets look at night always awakens something in me.

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