Friday, June 5, 2009

darn kids and other fun from the blotter

COMPLAINT, CLIFTON PRADO: A resident witnessed some children giving each other rides in the new garbage cans delivered by the city at 8:30 p.m. May 12. The kids put the garbage cans back for the night.

MISCHIEF: Kids were throwing tennis balls into the street on Waterford Parkway aturday afternoon. One ball hit a vehicle, but did no damage.

SHOPLIFTING, WEST 150TH STREET: A Kentucky Avenue man faces petty theft charges after workers at a BP gas station caught him April 29 stealing 54 packs of Hubba Bubba bubble gum valued at $54.

THEFT, LAWN AVENUE: A resident told police May 10 that somebody stole two rabbits from his residence. The animals, valued at $40 are described as brown bunny and a white bunny.

COMPLAINT, DETROIT AVENUE: A caller reported seeing several large girls sitting on planters in an Adopt-A-Spot area at 7:04 p.m. April 27. The caller told police that she was concerned that the planters would break.

DISTURBANCE, COOK AVENUE: A caller told police that a group of kids was running around with sticks on fire at 10:29 p.m. Friday. The group was roasting hot dogs on sticks in their back yard.

ANIMAL COMPLAINT: Residents on Shagbark Trail at Little Brook called police last Thursday afternoon about a deer attacking people as they walked by.

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