Thursday, August 14, 2008

these important years

Being somewhat introverted, planning parties is not something I've done often. So when a friend of mine said he was throwing one for a mutual friend of ours, I jumped in to help, and realized that I'm flying blind.

Usually, my social gatherings tend to be small and low-key. In college, it was a pot of vegan chili, some chips and brownies. Maybe some dumpstered bread or gleanings from the Kent Social Services food pantry where I volunteered. If it was a larger gathering, usually it was more of a potluck.

I have never done anything remotely resembling a college send-off blowout. Much less one where everyone coming is inviting everyone they know and live music is in the works (courtesy of her boyfriend's band). So I've been making cookies at midnight, trying to figure out what kind of dip people like, still need to get beverages and fruit, maybe a cake? I'm not good at these kind of things, but like everything in my life, everything eventually comes together and I almost always avert disaster.

I remember the send-off my friends had for me when I left and I'd like to make it something really nice and meaningful for her too.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy K. is good for suggestions. As long as you got the love in everything you'll be good. ;) And people usually like French Onion Dip :) tg
