Monday, May 12, 2008

begin the begin

note on previous post:
it's not like anything specifically happened, this is just something i've been feeling for awhile in general for many reasons.

that being said, it was a good weekend.

this weekend...

hanging out with jerusha for the first time in forever, checking out the art school's bfa show, lots of really cool stuff. falafel sandwiches and great conversation...

walked around lakewood on saturday, finally got a nice digital camera and a 2g memory card. thought my car died on the way to steelyard but it just got stuck in neutral. planning on photographing birdtown, the funwall, and all the old churches with icons and interesting signs and architecture.

val and i went to the indians game, which they won and were good. didn't get our grady sizemore fleece blankets (which is probably why all those young ladies were there...), but got to watch the antics of an ex-cheerleader running up and down the stairs screaming and trying to get people to do the wave "GO TRIBE! GO CAVS! GO CLEVELAND!!!!"

sunday was a series of small miracles, seeing my kids start to care about each other and other people instead of wanting to beat them up. seeing someone who's been truly down and out finally stay sober for twelve hours and get reunited with his family that he hasn't seen in 19 years. the guy finally has a reason to live again, compared to when he wandered in two weeks ago.

God always blows my mind.


  1. GO CLEVELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    would you like to go get a coffee or something this evening?

  2. i'm hanging out with nedra, but i might be around later on in the evening...

    if that's too late what are you doing tomorrow night?
