Saturday, January 12, 2008

life, and life abundantly....

tonight i drove out to oberlin to hang out with a good friend of mine. we've known each other since we were 16, and now she's married and expecting her first child. we've come a long way from our teenage days of doing snow angels in random yards, loitering around great northern mall (because that was the only place we could ever meet up) and staying up all night eating junk food and listening to the dead milkmen.

she is one of the most intensely peaceful and spiritual people i know, and when i was in school she would send me letters and verses written on tiny collages made of scraps of paper. one of those amazing people who means everything she says and backs it up with actions in a quiet and powerful way.

she made me dinner tonight, and we sat on the living room floor drinking strong coffee as she knitted an afghan for their baby girl, and i worked on a painting i'm contributing to an art show that my kent people are putting on.

she had a cd of spirituals that she got from the library and we listened to it two times through and just listening to the words and the acapella arrangements was just the most peaceful thing. we didn't even realize it was going on 11:30 until she got a phone call and we looked at the time.

i drove home tonight on the empty roads feeling so incredibly full of peace and life.

1 comment:

  1. miss you friend.
    i'm enjoying your writings as well. well done.
    beth p. f***ing rocks!
